The whole line of Chirp Series echosounder products.

Chirp Series

The Chirp Series offers a variety of frequency-agile echosounders -- the performance of which stands out in fields of sediment profiling with Pinger, to deep ocean seafloor mapping & research with the Chirp 3260. KNUDSEN offers high resolution data acquisition in target detection requirements, including geophysical exploration, water column analysis, or pipeline tracking, with the Chirp Series.
KNUDSEN is an industry leader in the supply of full ocean depth equipment, and use of low-frequency transducers for sea bottom penetration.

Chirp Series Features

  • Chirp and correlation processing
  • Transmit signal generation control
  • Advanced digital filter control
  • Longer pulse lengths (up to 64ms)
  • Ability to record data in multiple SEG-Y formats

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